All Abilities Program Director

Dana Hopkins, LCSW-R

(845) 486-3434


Coordinator of Intellectual & Developmental Disability Services

Olivia Clark, LMSW

(845) 486-2825


CSPOA and Children & Youth Services Coordinator

Mental Health Services

Deborah Disanza, LCSW-R

(845) 486-2768


EI Official and Director of Preschool Special Education Programs

Coordinator of Children with Special Needs Services

Ages birth through 5 years old

Janine Fitzmaurice, LCSW

(845) 486-3518

If this is a medical emergency and you need immediate assistance

please contact 911

For Mental Health and/or Substance Use Crisis Support, Information & Referrals please contact

Dutchess County 988 Call Center



For Walk In Crisis Services and Support visit the Dutchess County Stabilization Center

230 North Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

NY State Central Register for Child Abuse  or or (Home | Child Protective Services | Office of Children and Family Services (



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Youth Soft Skills Empowerment & Hudson Cadillac

Emanuel Cordero, a vocational coordinator from  Youth Soft Skills Empowerment (YSSE) (left) met with Mike Mullaney, Dealer Principal (right) from Hudson Cadillac on South Road in Poughkeepsie to explore a job opportunity at the Hudson Cadillac Dealership. Mr. Cordero was working with an individual whose wish is to be a car salesperson, and through Mr. Cordero’s contact at Hudson Cadillac was able to set up an interview for this individual with the dealership. What transpired at this interview is a prime example of how business, can ThinkDIFFERNTLY!  It started out as an interview for a car salesperson position that led to Mr. Mullaney discovering the applicant’s passion for photography, and specifically photography of cars. Mr. Mullaney was impressed by the applicant’s portfolio of photos that he offered and hired the applicant for a position to take photographs of the cars for the dealership!