Service Providers
The County of Dutchess assumes no responsibility for the quality of the service providers listed on this website, as those service providers are not under the control of the County of Dutchess.
Medical Advice or Counseling
The County of Dutchess cannot provide individual medical advice or counseling. If you are seeking specific advice or counseling, you should contact a licensed practitioner. The information contained on this website is presented for the purpose of educating the public about available services. Nothing contained in this website should be construed nor is intended to be used for medical or psychological diagnoses and treatment. It should not be used in place of the advice of an appropriately qualified medical professional.
Dutchess County Government can not guarantee that all events listed in the ‘Inclusive Events in the Community’ and “ThinkDIFFERENTLY” Events sponsored by Dutchess County Government’ calendars will be fully accessible.
Specific information regarding the ‘Inclusive Events in the Community’ calendar can be obtained directly from that event’s organizer. Information on ‘ThinkDIFFERENTLY” events sponsored by Dutchess County Government’ can be obtained through our Contact Us form.
Confidential or Sensitive Information
Please do not send confidential or sensitive information through the Get in Touch message portal, as confidentiality of these communications cannot be guaranteed. The Get In Touch message portal should only be used for non-urgent communications. If the message is urgent please CALL or TEXT 988 or (845) 485-9700 the Dutchess County Help Line or if this is an emergency please call 911.