Verplanck Garden Club at Stony Kill Farm’s Environmental and Education Center in Wappingers Falls, NY have been maintaining the Special Needs Garden beds for many years. In 2015, Sarah Petty (pictured here with her father) was searching for something to do for her Girl Scouts’ Gold Award Project and the Verplanck Garden Club was looking to replace their pergola, in their Special Needs raised gardens. The existing pergola was in poor condition and was important in providing a bit of shade and relief for gardeners and visitors to the garden. The project was funded by the Verplanck Garden Club and with assistance from her friends and family, Sarah and her team removed the old pergola and built the new one over the course of four days. On June 16, 2018, the pergola was dedicated to Hanna and Fred Ekstroem longtime members of the Verplanck Garden Club and Sarah was recognized for her contribution. Anyone interested in reserving a bed for next year should contact the (June 2018)