All Abilities Program Director

Dana Hopkins, LCSW-R

(845) 486-3434


Coordinator of Intellectual & Developmental Disability Services

Olivia Clark, LMSW

(845) 486-2825


CSPOA and Children & Youth Services Coordinator

Mental Health Services

Deborah Disanza, LCSW-R

(845) 486-2768


EI Official and Director of Preschool Special Education Programs

Coordinator of Children with Special Needs Services

Ages birth through 5 years old

Janine Fitzmaurice, LCSW

(845) 486-3518

If this is a medical emergency and you need immediate assistance

please contact 911

For Mental Health and/or Substance Use Crisis Support, Information & Referrals please contact

Dutchess County 988 Call Center



For Walk In Crisis Services and Support visit the Dutchess County Stabilization Center

230 North Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

NY State Central Register for Child Abuse  or or (Home | Child Protective Services | Office of Children and Family Services (



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Ramapo for Children

 Founded in 1922, Ramapo for Children is built around the simple belief that all people want the same things: to learn, feel valued and experience success.

Our mission is two-fold:

1) To keep young people from being relegated to the margins of their schools, programs, families or communities because of challenging behaviors, cognitive disabilities or other differences; and

2) To teach adults how to create environments in which young people facing challenges can align their behaviors with their aspirations.

We do this by offering the adults in their lives a new lens through which to view challenging behaviors, and presenting a set of techniques and tools that, when mastered, enable adults to meet young people’s needs and create environments in which all young people can thrive.

Ramapo’s unique approach to promoting skill acquisition, positive behavioral change, learning and personal growth is codified in the practical skills and strategies that make up our Toolbox for Creating Environments that Support Success. This approach is at the foundation of all of Ramapo’s direct service and training programs, which collectively serve 25,000 people each year through workshops, coaching, retreats, summer camp experience, and a transition-to-independence program.




22 Camp Ramapo Road, Rhinebeck, New York 12572
Phone: (845) 876-8403


49 W. 38th St. Fl. 5 New York, NY 10018
Phone: (212) 754-7003

Other Services

Residential Summer Camp