All Abilities Program Director

Dana Hopkins, LCSW-R

(845) 486-3434


Coordinator of Intellectual & Developmental Disability Services

Olivia Clark, LMSW

(845) 486-2825


CSPOA and Children & Youth Services Coordinator

Mental Health Services

Deborah Disanza, LCSW-R

(845) 486-2768


EI Official and Director of Preschool Special Education Programs

Coordinator of Children with Special Needs Services

Ages birth through 5 years old

Janine Fitzmaurice, LCSW

(845) 486-3518

If this is a medical emergency and you need immediate assistance

please contact 911

For Mental Health and/or Substance Use Crisis Support, Information & Referrals please contact

Dutchess County 988 Call Center



For Walk In Crisis Services and Support visit the Dutchess County Stabilization Center

230 North Rd., Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

NY State Central Register for Child Abuse  or or (Home | Child Protective Services | Office of Children and Family Services (



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New Horizons Resources Inc.


New Horizons Resources, Inc. enables people with developmental disabilities to realize their human potentials and become valued citizens within their communities.


The mission of New Horizons Resources, Inc. is to enable people with developmental disabilities to achieve fulfilling lives within their local communities by establishing a home, belonging, self-determination, learning, productivity and individual respect.

Unifying Principles

New Horizons Resources, Inc. embraces and measures itself against the following principles which guide us in the work we do:

Integrity: doing the right thing for the right reason, telling the truth and providing a positive example of ethical and principle-based behavior.

Respect: : honoring diverse backgrounds and exhibiting a high level of regard, courtesy and commitment to everyone’s dignity and rights.

Positive Relationships: building strong, healthy bonds with co-workers and Encouraging responsible choice and self-determination with people we serve. New Horizons Resources, Inc. practices compassion, enthusiasm, active listening, with clarity of information sharing, constructive problem solving, cooperative teamwork and responsibility.

Innovation: questioning the status quo, building on current success and offering new ways to improve the system of supports as well as one’s performance.

Learning: committing ourselves to continuous quality improvement of self and task outcomes, advancing understanding and applying skills effectively.


123 West Road, Pleasant Valley NY
Phone: 845-473-3000

Other Services

We support individuals in the residential services with various and multiple needs.

Additional Information

Residential Habilitation: In 1981, New Horizons opened its first residences for adults with developmental disabilities in a rural community in eastern Dutchess County, New York. Today, the agency has 30 residences located in Dutchess and Ulster counties that are home to over 200 people who range in age from their early 20’s to their mid-80’s and have plans to continue their growth. These individuals have a range of developmental disabilities and many have other challenges such as physical, hearing or visual impairments. The average size home accommodates five although there are several individuals who either rent their own apartment or live in a home they have purchased themselves. In all of its services, NHR is committed to creating environments where individual choice is respected and opportunities for learning and community integration are provided.

Community Habilitation: Most of the individuals receiving Community Habilitation services from New Horizons are children and young adults living at home with their families. These services focus on enhancing the individual’s various daily living skills and /or offering opportunities for support for recreational activities.

Day Habilitation: This service is structured with emphasis on activities in the community such as swimming, hiking and biking. Other activities are determined based on the interest, capabilities and desires of each individual. Day Habilitation services provide opportunities for individuals with developmental disabilities to learn functional skills while participating in activities available in the local community.

Briggs Farm Weekend Respite: The respite program at Briggs Farm is offered year round to children and adults with developmental disabilities. This program is funded through Medicaid and a generous grant from the Taconic Developmental Disabilities Services Office. The respite program is recreational based and has strong focus on community activities and inclusion. Weekends are structured according to the likes of our guests.

Briggs Farm Summer Camp: Summer camp is provided for school age children and coincides with area school districts closing dates. This program helps families find care for children who are finished with the academic school year and are awaiting summer school. This is a recreational based program and children enjoy a wide variety of activities.

Medicaid Service Coordination: MSC Services offered by New Horizons are provided by a service coordinator who is responsible for making ongoing arrangements for the individual’s use of supports and services intervening when problems arise, and negotiating appropriate service changes on an advocacy basis with that person. MSC is a stand-alone service that assists with intake referral and connects individuals to other services that are available to them. Those receiving MSC services range from young children to the elderly